Acupuncture Services:
Acupuncture is the insertion of single-use sterile needles at specific therapeutic points on the body which are selected for each individual diagnosis according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory
-Reduces inflammation
-Increases blood circulation
-Diminishes pain by increasing endorphins and other opioid-like hormones/receptors
-Shifts the way the brain processes pain by regulating the Autonomic Nervous System
-Reduces Cortisol levels which can help regulate metabolism & mood swings, decrease pain & lower blood pressure
-Balances the internal organs to promote proper bodily system functioning
Moxibustion, moxa for short, is another form of heat therapy using the herb Mugwort or Ai Ye in pinyin! Moxa can provide relief for arthritis, menstrual issues, increases immunity and helps to reduce various forms of body pain when appropriately applied.
No! The moxa sticks are never directly intact with the skin. There is always a barrier of space, tools or burn cream as a precaution.
Chinese Medicine utilizes herbs for medicinal purposes directly correlated to your specific condition, body constitution and other lifestyle factors. Herbal medicine is food! After a detailed intake I will recommend a therapeutically beneficial formula. I can give it in pill form or granules, which is a tea powder.
Yes, especially when consulting with a highly trained individual. I went through extensive schooling (3.5 years of grad school) to learn all of the properties of the herbs, how they interact with each other, how they react with medication, etc. Most herbs can be eaten in raw form, just like the food in your pantry.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine not only focuses on internal health but also the mind and external body. All forms of bodywork are needle-free. Most treatment sessions utilize some of the following as needed:
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a technique used for muscle tension, pain and to release sickness -like a common cold. A tool is used to repeatedly massage the underlying fascia to promote blood flow and release toxins. Yes, that is a miso soup spoon.
Cupping can be stationary or sliding. It loosens the muscles and releases toxins to the exterior. The cups are made out of glass and are suctioned to the fascia with heat. Slide cupping is performed with oil to allow the cup to move around the body. Cupping can produce pink or darker red bruises that typically go away within a couple of hours to days depending on the condition.
Tui Na
Tui Na is a medical massage tailored to your constitution and condition. This can range from gentle and relaxing to deep-tissue work or muscle release. Tui Na is great for stress relief, muscle tension, stiffness and injuries. It is commonly incorporated into most treatment sessions.
Qi Gong
Qi gong is traditionally made-up of body postures, movement and breath-work to promote a flowing sensation of circulation throughout the body. It is used to find a balance between the mind, internal and external body. I use medical, hands-on Qi Gong to encourage the proper flow of energy on a deeper level when the body shows constraint from injuries, emotions or past traumas that lodge into the body and hideout there causing pain.